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some call it labour of love

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Longnet making just does not appeal to some people


Most of make our own purse nets now, why? because everybody know's that the quality of hand made nets are far superior to factory produced sheet netting, which is then cut down to make purse nets.


So why can't we transfer the theory over to longnets? A longnet that has been handknitted by yourself will beat any of the commercially produced sheet netting. I now have knitted up two fifty yard longnets, and very shortly will be doing another, i will be using a spun polyester twine size 20/9 doubled up.





the above net is 20/15 spun polyester.


when i knitted this net, i done it 10 meshes wide, which i then realised was too shallow for my need's. After seeing pictures of Mole Catchers & Chalkwarrens (courtesy of NETRIGGER) longnets, i realised i could do something about the depth of the net, despite being told by numerous people that "double selvedge" can only be done by machine.


I set about finding out how to do the job and NETRIGGER gave me a pretty good description of how to do so, so i set about with an old bit of 4z net to have a wee bit practise.


I had an old bit of green spun polyester, size roughly 20/24 which i set to work with, i managed to complete the full length of the net on one side, but had no-where near enough for the other side. So for the other side i used 6z twisted nylon doubled up.


This procedure added about 8.5" to the depth of my net.


this morning i decided to rig the net onto the lines, 3mm black braided nylon.





you will notice i have used dowel there, this is merely because my hazel pegs are in my van, which is at a mechanics..





i will be replacing them shabby excuses for end pins as soon as i get some ;)

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